Transparent and Fair Purchases of In-Game Content: Video Games Europe-EGDF Position Paper
European video game players have an almost unimaginable choice of entertainment options. Many new platforms, genres of games, and business models have developed over the last twenty years in response to consumer expectations for new content and experiences.
The ability to purchase in-game content has been important to support greater consumer choice and to finance the European video games industry. In-game purchases have allowed new developments of games, including the availability of free to play games and the live operations of games for many years after release, in many cases by small and independent studios.
Video Games Europe, EGDF, and our members are committed to a policy framework that ensures fair and transparent player and consumer experiences in all circumstances:
- PEGI Code of Conduct rules for purchasable in-game content;
- Additional safeguards for players, with minors in focus;
- Commitment to information campaigns and trusted data.