Video Games Europe and EGDF Statement: European Commission study about B2C contractual arrangements in the data economy
Executive Summary
Video Games Europe and EGDF welcome the invitation by Kantar Public (Belgium) to participate in a survey that gathers companies’ views on Business-to-Consumer (B2C) contractual arrangements for the supply of digital content and services for which consumers provide personal data (referred to as “data contracts”). Kantar Public informed us that the survey is part of a study, commissioned the European Commission, to assess the current market for the supply of digital content or digital service and the transfer of ownership of goods for which consumers do not or not only pay a price but provide or undertake to provide their personal data to the trader.
Video Games Europe and EGDF are not able to respond to the survey questions, as the concept of data contracts is not sufficiently explained in the text. We will clarify our concerns in this statement. In addition, we will also address the issue of what will happen when a consumer withdraws consent or objects to the further processing of his/her personal data.