In an era where digital skills are pivotal for economic growth and innovation, video games, as unique complex works that combines technology and creative works, play a crucial role in Europe’s digital and creative economy. Nick Pechenin, the Director of Design at...
With 2023 being the Year of Skills, the recent Council resolution on the EU Work Plan for Culture 2023-2026, as well as the European Education Summit (EES), which is now in its fifth year, youth, skills and education are taking centre stage. The Council’s multi-annual...
Esports are leagues, competitive circuits, tournaments, or similar competitions in which individuals or teams play video games, for entertainment, prizes, ormoney, typically in front of spectators, either in-person or online. Esports are an important and growing part...
Personal feelings aside, here’s what science and thought leaders say on the matter. Video games are a playful part of people’s lives. They have become an increasingly important medium for people from all over the world to connect. Immersive video games allow people...