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New European Parliament report recognises Europe’s video game industry’s role in the creative and cultural economy


Today, the European Parliament’s Culture Committee adopted a report on esports and video games, led by rapporteur Laurence Farreng, on the sector’s important place in the EU’s creative and digital economy.  

“We welcome this forensic look at our sector and the recognition of our role in the creative economy, as well as the value of IP creation, the many benefits of video game play and our long-standing best-in-class minor protection systems. We call on Europe’s political leaders to create the conditions that help Europe lead the way in video game innovation and creation.”

Ann Becker, Head of Policy and Public Affairs of Video Games Europe

We are pleased that the MEPs working on this report have recognised the need for investment and funding for European games industry SMEs, who make up the majority of this sector. In particular, we welcome the call for national incentives and support, and the call for modernising European state aid rules and the General Block Exemption Regulation. Furthermore, we are grateful for the attention given to ensuring Europe has the skillset and talent pool necessary to address the talent shortage in the sector.”

Jari-Pekka Kaleva, Managing Director of EGDF 

In 2020, the sector provided more than 98,000 jobs – a 7.6% increase from 2019 - in mainly small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) – recognised by the report as of vital importance to the European economy. In 2021, Europe’s video games market revenue remained stable at €23.3bn, while the player base increased by 6%, driven primarily by women and 45–65-year-olds.

On esports, we welcome the recognition of the borderless nature of esports, the importance of video game publisher IP rights and acknowledgement that esports differ from sports.

Both organisations look forward to a continued dialogue with EU policy makers on the future of Europe’s video games and esports.

You can take a look at the full picture of Europe’s video games sector in Video Games Europe’s Key Facts about Europe’s video games sector for 2021 report here and EGDF’s 2020 Industry Insights report here.

Any journalist interested in an informal briefing with the Video Games Europe or EGDF teams on the EU policy issues affecting our sector should get in touch.

Note to the editors:  


Contact for Video Games Europe:

Shweta Kulkarni, tel: +32 471 19 24 91
Heidi Lambert, tel: +44 7932 141291
Twitter: @Video Games Europe_Games

Contact for EGDF:

Jari-Pekka Kaleva, tel: +358 40 716 3640
Managing Director, European Games Developer Federation (EGDF)
Senior Policy Analyst, Neogames Finland ry.
Twitter: @jpkaleva

Players are at the heart of what we do.

Since 1998, Video Games Europe has ensured that the voice of a responsible games ecosystem is heard and understood, that its creative and economic potential is supported and celebrated, and that players around the world continue to enjoy great video game playing experiences. Video Games Europe represents the video games industry in Europe and is based in Brussels, Belgium. Our membership comprises national trade associations in 18 countries across Europe which represent in turn thousands of developers and publishers at national level. Video Games Europe also has as direct members the leading European and international video game companies,

Uniting the industry

The European Games Developer Federation e.f. (EGDF) unites national trade associations representing game developer studios based in 22 European countries: Austria (PGDA), Belgium (FLEGA), Croatia (CGDA), Czech Republic (GDACZ), Denmark (Producentforeningen), Finland (Suomen pelinkehittäjät), France (SNJV), Germany (GAME), Italy (IIDEA), Lithuania (LZKA), Netherlands (DGA), Norway (Produsentforeningen), Poland (PGA, Indie Game Poland Foundation), Portugal (AVPV), Romania (RGDA), Serbia (SGA), Spain (DEV), Slovakia (SGDA), Sweden (SpelplanASGD), Switzerland (SGDA), Turkey (TOGED) and the United Kingdom (TIGA).