ICDP Calls For Workable Data Protection Regulation
The Industry Coalition for Data Protection (ICDP), of which Video Games Europe is a member, issued a statement in response to the text adopted during the LIBE Committee (the European Parliament Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs) vote on the General Data Protection Regulation:
Brussels, 21 October 2013 – The Industry Coalition for Data Protection (ICDP) calls for considerable improvements to the text adopted during today’s LIBE Committee vote on the General Data Protection Regulation in order to deliver a framework that is workable across all EU Member States and implementable by the vast range of industries that operate in Europe today.
“ICDP is fully committed to this reform effort and to helping the European institutions deliver a Regulation that will protect EU citizens’ personal data, create legal certainty for enterprises, and allow businesses and consumers to leverage innovative digital tools and solutions,” said Chris Sherwood, Head of Public Policy, Allegro Group speaking on behalf of ICDP. “However, given the complexity of this dossier, considerable discussion still is required to achieve a practical, future-proof text that will provide meaningful rights and obligations and support growth of the digital economy in Europe.”
ICDP strongly encourages the European Parliament and the European Council to work toward an agreement that achieves the following:
- Implementing a risk-based approach, including recognizing concepts such as context and risk in the definition of personal data, data processing, and appropriate measures and sanctions;
- Maintaining clear roles and responsibilities in the data processing value chains, particularly between controller and processor;
- Guaranteeing a free flow of data across international borders in order to ensure European companies have access to fast growing markets outside the EU;
- Implementing a meaningful “one-stop-shop” mechanism with a simple and workable provision on “main establishment” to facilitate effective application of the new data protection rules for both business and consumers; and
- Limiting the requirement for explicit consent to genuinely at-risk situations.
“Europe’s data protection reform has the potential to be one of the most important policy achievements of the digital age – but only if a balanced and adaptable Regulation is adopted. The current text simply does not meet that standard,” Sherwood said.
For more information contact: Maria Dantz, +32 (0)2 50 0019 or