Madrid Games Week, Madrid (Spain)
The Madrid Games Week fair is the great meeting point in our country for the video game industry, professionals and amateurs, who every year meet the latest electronic products for leisure and games at Feria de Madrid.
After the resounding success of its last edition, which brought together over 139,200 visitors, MGW is now firmly established as a meeting place for the industry, and as an international benchmark space where the latest innovations and launches of leading brands can be seen and tried out, among other proposals. The contents of the Video Game and Electronics for Leisure Fair range from software for digital leisure, in its entertainment versions, offered by the leading brands in the market, to hardware platforms, spaces for video game developers and networking, as well as the offer of accessories and merchandising, among others.
This platform is essential in Spain for a sector which, according to the latest data published by AEVI, has an annual turnover of 1,479 million euros. Not in vain, there are more than 16 million Spanish video game users, which means around half of the population in the 6-64 age group. Moreover, this sector generates direct quality employment for more than 9,000 people in our country.