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Games in Schools: “Learning by Playing” virtual event

29 September 2020 - 14:30 - 16:00 - virtual event 

On the eve of the publication of the EU’s updated Digital Education Action PlanVideo Games Europe and European Schoolnet hosted the virtual Games in Schools event. “Learning by Playing” brought together EU policymakers, educational experts, and the video games industry to discuss the challenges and opportunities presented by the use of video games as pedagogical support in the classroom. Well over 4,000 teachers across Europe took part in the latest Games in Schools Massive Open Online Course (MOOC).

Learning by Playing speakers and panelists:  

  • Sabine Verheyen – Chair of the European Parliament Committee on Culture and Education.
  • Antoaneta Angelova-Krasteva – Director for Innovation, International Cooperation & Sport at DG EAC, European Commission.
  • Rehana Schwinninger-Ladak – Head of Unit at DG Connect, Interactive Technologies, Digital for Culture and Education at the European Commission.
  • Felix Gyllenstig Serrao – Game-based learning expert and Project Manager on Education Teaching Materials for Göteborg, Sweden.
  • Genevieve Johnson – Senior Instructional Designer, Roblox.
  • Ollie Bray – Games in Schools course coordinator and Global Director of Connecting Play and Education at the Lego Foundation.
  • Shahneila Saeed, moderator, Head of Education at Ukie, the UK trade body for video games.

The event saw the launch of the latest Handbook for teachers, an invaluable resource for teachers consisting of peer-reviewed lesson plans and a list of suitable video games for the classroom. There was a practical and informative discussion between expert speakers on the urgent need to digitalise education in Europe, along with concrete calls for action to help maximise the huge potential the use of video games in the classroom represents for positive learning experiences and relevant 21st-century skill-enhancing education. Find out more about key findings from the event here.


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