Response to the European Commission Consultation “How to master Europe’s digital infrastructure needs?”
Executive Summary
- Video Games Europe welcomes the significant progress made towards the Digital Decade targets. While traffic is expected to increase in coming years, it has been increasing for years already, and networks have shown a remarkable capacity for adaptation.
- We do not believe that a legal imposition of dispute resolution mechanism in the interconnection market would benefit consumers and businesses at large. The relationship between ISPs and CAPs such as video game publishers is symbiotic: demand for content drives demand for Internet access, and this in turn facilitates online content delivery.
- The majority of video game purchases today are digital. Therefore, the environmental impact of the plastic necessary for the production of game discs and cases is significantly reduced. Moreover, some titles are only available via cloud, due to file sizes.
- The existing regulatory regime in the EECC should remain intact for the purposes of regulating the core telecommunications services, and should not be extended to regulating distinct underlying technologies just because they help extend network functionality or services.